November Meeting for the Oak Ridge PC Users Group

The usual Meeting Night is the Third Thursday in each Month.
The usual Meeting Time is 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time
The Meeting Place is the Discipleship Room of the
New Life Church of the Nazarene
200 Lafayette Road, Oak Ridge


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WINDOWS 7 The program for the Meeting on Thursday, November 19, 2009, will be given by:

John Sanders of the Oak Ridge PC Users Group


Since we observed the LAUNCH of the Operating System WINDOWS 7 at our October meeting, it is appropriate to look at some of its details during our November meeting.

We have available the instructional video "Professor Teaches Windows 7" from Individual Software. We have used these presentations in the past, and they have been very helpful in becoming familiar with new systems. There is at least one lesson in the series that will provide a useful stand-alone presentation.

Actually, there is no email program included with Windows 7; however, it recommends that you use Windows Live Mail. Windows Live Mail can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site at no charge, and it can be used with other versions of Windows from XP to Vista. The Windows Live group offers several other program in addition to the Mail program; this includes the Windows Live Messanger for instant two-way communitions and several others. Also, there are a number of services that offer free email service and also provide ample storage area for your mail. Windows Live Mail can collect mail from a number of email servers in one session.

The browser that is included with Windows 7 is Internet Explorer 8 (IE8). This version of the Internet Explorer can be used with other recent versions of the Windows Operating System, and it can be downloaded at no cost from the Microsoft web site. If you have permitted Automatic Updates for your Windows Operating System, you probably have IE8 already. It features TABs that allow you to open multiple Internet Windows at the same time and switch from one to the other simply by clicking the appropriate TAB. Another convenient feature is that you can magnify the content with a simple click in the lower right corner; this will help you read the fine print.


A nominating committee will request suggestions for a slate of officers willing to serve for the year 2010 at this Meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor. If you are interested and willing to serve as a committee or program chair, please the incoming officers know.


We will also have a Question and Answer session, as usual, at the beginning of the meeting.

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Last Updated: November 16, 2009
WebMaster: John P. Sanders
Telephone: [865]482-1300