July for the Oak Ridge PC Users Group

The usual Meeting Night is NOW the third Thursday in each Month.
The usual Meeting Time is 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time
The Meeting Place is a Discipleship at the
New Life Church of the Nazarene
200 Lafayette Drive


August 2008

JULY 2009

September 2008

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

The Meeting for Thursday, July 16, 2009, will be a presentation by:

John Sanders of ORPCUG

ON: WINDOWS 7 - The Next Windows Operating System

The next Windows Operating System is designated WINDOWS 7, which will be the replacement for Windows Vista. Microsoft states that they have listened to all of the comments of users about what the did and did not like about Windows Vista, and all the response to this comments are incorporated in WINDOWS 7. In particular, they have built procedures in this system that will help you do easily perform tasks that were more difficult in Windows Vista. As you might expect, the "look" and "feel" of WINDOWS 7, is very similar to Vista.

WINDOWS 7 is now available for download as Release Candidate 1 (RC1). If you purchase a computer with the Vista Operating System between now and the final release date of WINDOWS 7, you will be given a free upgrade to the corresponding version of WINDOWS 7.

The other versions of the Windows Operating System that are currently supported are:

  1. Windows XP Service Pack 3
  2. Windows Vista Service Pack 1
  3. Windows 7

There will be a handout at the meeting which compares the features of these three Operating Systems. Also, as with Windows Vista, there is a program that you can download which will compare the features of your present computer with the hardware requirements of WINDOWS 7. For the most part, most computers that were adequate for Vista will be adequate for WINDOWS 7.

Some of the features of WINDOWS 7 that will make your computer easier to use include:
(1) an easier way to launch programs through a search box
(2) an easier way to find files (text or pictures) that you have save through a similar search box. Your file will be opened in the application that was used to create it.
(3) as easier way to set up your home computing network including shared printers, wireless connections, and shared files.
(4) an easier way to display two files for comparison and an easy to jump back to the previous desktop display. [Note: Most Desktop Computers have video cards that will support two monitors. The use of two displays will help in the process of cut-and-paste information from one document to another.]

If you have had experience in using the previous releases for WINDOWS 7, please come and add your comments.

There will be a question-and-answer session prior to the program at which members may present any PC problems to the group.

Return to the ORPCUG Home Page.

Last Updated: July 14, 2009
WebMaster: John P. Sanders
Email: JP5anders@msn.com
Telephone: [865]482-1300